Workshop Topics & Dates
Watching & Assessing Movement & Motion.
- Workshop Dates SYD: Mar 6th 1-4pm Workshop 1
- Workshop Dates GC: Feb 28th 1-4pm Workshop 1
Workshop 01
- Theory: How do we watch our clients stand, move and interact. How do we use one off and ongoing assessments to continually improve our clients quality of life. Learn about the fluidity of posture and movement.
- Movement: Play with different movement assessments on each other. Have space to watch motion, discuss what you see and how to look for differences in movement. Feel what movement assessments are right for you and your clients.
- Social Learning: Discuss with the group your biggest influence/s for human movement. Debate the pros and cons of fitness influencers and what we can learn from social media. Walk away with tips on how to learn and apply ideas from social media platforms.
Motivation and Behaviour change.
- Workshop Dates SYD: March 27th 1-4pm Workshop 2
- Workshop Dates GC: March 27th 1-4pm Workshop 2
Workshop 02
- Theory: What is motivation and behaviour change? Whys is our profession based on telling people what to do - yet we can’t get our clients to do the things we want them to? Dive deep into this paradox to learn about human behaviour and how to influence your clients.
- Movement: Coach a coach. Take another coach through your program, through different movements and gain feedback. Use the information from the theory and transfer it practically and immediately.
- Social Learning: How do we find our own personal and professional development? Share tools, resources and guides with the group that will transform your life and your career.
Anatomy & Movement Reinvented.
- Workshop Dates SYD: April 27th 1-4pm Workshop 3
- Workshop Dates GC: April 24th 12:30-3:30pm Workshop 3
Workshop 03
- Theory: Anatomy reinvented. Discover a completely new way of looking at the human body and movement with fascial anatomy. Learn to speak in allied health language to better understand your clients needs especially when injured.
- Movement: Move through fascial anatomy. Learn to create new patterns, new movements and new shapes that will challenge and expand what you already know. Never run out of exercises to give your clients by learning this method.
- Social learning: Together we delve into ‘best exercise’ and favourite exercises. Share with the group your knowledge of movements, motion and exercise to continue to build an extensive, collective exercise library.
Anatomical Biomechanics.
- Workshop Dates SYD: May 27th 1-4pm Workshop 4
- Workshop Dates GC: May 29th 12:30-3:30pm Workshop 4
Workshop 04
- Theory: The hardest topics to make sexy sounding but some of the most important for a holistic approach to client health and human movement. Welcome to the fun & exciting world of anatomical biomechanics. We promise we make this come to life. Be prepared for session two of ‘blowing your mind’.
- Movement: We all know the six basic movement patterns? How do we create infinite variety through all the different variables? This is one of the most hands-on play sessions. Get to feel all that theory come into practice straight away.
- Social learning: Let’s do a little revising and revisiting. If you have been with us from the start it’s your turn to help us teach. How do all our topics interconnect and align to help our clients? This is an excellent session for connecting the dots and expanding the type of clients you can work with long-term.
Programming tips, tricks and tools of the trade.
- Workshop Dates SYD: June 26th 1-4pm Workshop 5
- Workshop Dates GC: June 26th 12:30-3:30pm Workshop 5
Workshop 05
- Theory: Let’s go down the programming rabbit hole. We take a deep dive into all the variables and some of the psychological factors of programming we may forget about.
- Movement: It’s time to challenge your knowledge and programming skills. Using only four movement patterns can you build well rounded programs for the coaches around you? Test out the programs and movements you create. Social Learning: Time to play with programming and ChatGPT! A trainers life
- Social learning: Time to play with programming and ChatGPT! A trainers life is challenging and it’s okay to use applications that will make your life easier. We discuss pros and cons to using these applications and swap tips and tricks.
Stress: How to factor in exercise & fitness.
- Workshop Dates SYD: July 31st 1-4pm Workshop 6
- Workshop Dates GC: July 31st 1-4pm Workshop 6
Workshop 06
- Theory: Stress. This word gets thrown around a lot and is very charged in society. We look into what stress can mean physiologically, psychologically and emotionally for our clients. How can it affect growth, progression & injuries?
- Movement: Movement mobilisers, stretching and myofascial release. What is myth and what is real? What do these feel like and what are best practices? Our social learning and movement practice today are linked.
- Social learning: During our double movement and social learning we use the expertise of the group to discuss pros and cons. Variations and varieties worth trying and client best practice. Case studies are welcome.
Long term programming and periodisation.
- Workshop Dates SYD: August 28th 1-4pm Workshop 7
- Workshop Dates GC: August 28th 12:30-3:30pm Workshop 7
Workshop 07
- Theory: Long term programming and periodisation. It’s our belief that this topic is in itself its own mini course. Today our movement session and theory sessions blend so we can use our time to take a deeper look into this topic.
- Movement: What are the most important variables to long term training programs. How do we manipulate them and adjust for our clients' life experiences? We will write and rewrite programs and practice progression and regression with each other.
- Social learning: Let’s talk business. Running a fitness business is hard work and requires more than just our knowledge. How do we find good systems in business? Let’s roundtable best practices, helpful business coaches and ideas to help each other grow.
Injury, Illness & Chronic Pain. Navigating know how.
- Workshop Dates SYD: September 25th 1-4pm Workshop 8
- Workshop Dates GC: September 25th 12:30-3:30pm Workshop 8
Workshop 08
- Theory: Injury, illness and chronic pain. We will all have clients that present with these at some stage in our career. What can we do for pain? Where do we begin if we want to help people overcome injury and illness? We start with this session.
- Movement: Today we use movement as medicine. We work on activation of muscles, decreasing muscle tone and working with breath. We learn some best practices for clients in acute and chronic pain and get to feel this in real time.
- Social Learning: Discuss best practice in working with allied health professionals. We roundtable best ways to collaborate with other professionals to help your clients but also to gain further business.